中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社1月17日阿比让报道,科特迪瓦政府发言人布鲁诺·科恩周三在阿比让说,科特迪瓦当天把两个新油气区块授予了英国图洛石油公司,其中一个区块沿着与加纳接壤的海上边界。 专注于非洲的图洛石油公司目前持有9个科特迪瓦区块的股份,其中8个区块是在去年9月份一家国际法庭在两国海上边界争议问题上判定支持加纳以来获得的。 图洛石油公司在科特迪瓦由加拿大CNR担任作业者的埃斯波尔油田也拥有21.33%的股份。 科恩在出席一次内阁会议以后说,科特迪瓦授予图洛石油公司的两个区块分别是一个靠近商业首都阿比让的CI-520陆上区块以及一个接近图洛石油公司在加纳探区的CI-524区块。图洛石油公司时下担任位于加纳海域的朱比利油气田的作业者并正在开发TEN油田。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Ivory Coast Awards Tullow Two New Oil and Gas Blocks Ivory Coast awarded Tullow Oil two new oil and gas blocks on Wednesday, including one along the maritime boundary with Ghana, government spokesman Bruno Kone said. Africa-focused Tullow now holds stakes in nine Ivorian blocks, eight of which it has picked up since an international tribunal in September ruled in favour of Ghana in a dispute over the countries’ sea border. It also has a 21.33 percent position in Ivory Coast’s Espoir field, which is operated by Canada’s CNR. Speaking after a cabinet meeting, Kone said the government had awarded Tullow blocks CI-520, an onshore block near the commercial capital Abidjan, and CI-524, which is adjacent to its acreage in Ghana.