PERTH, Australia消息 — Oilex公司开始在印度Gujarat邦的Bhandut油田开采天然气。公司表示,目前Bhandut-3号油井以70万标准立方英尺/天(120油当量桶/天)的速度通过8/64英寸的阻气门向外输送天然气。
Oilex公司为天然气运营商,并持有Bhandut油田40%的股权,而Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC)公司持有Bhandut油田其余股权。
来自/worldoil 4月8日消息 编译/赵宁
PERTH, Australia — Oilex Ltd has commenced gas production from Bhandut field, onshore Gujarat, India. The Bhandut-3 well is currently flowing at the expected stabilized rate of 0.70 MMscfgd (120 boed) through an 8/64 in. choke, the company said.
Gas produced from Bhandut-3 is initially processed at the on-site production facilities and then delivered to a third-party operated gas processing plant where it is further treated to the required pipeline specification. It is subsequently compressed for entry into the high pressure gas network for delivery to an end user.
Oilex is the operator and holds a 40% equity stake in Bhandut field, with Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) holding the remaining equity interest.
Previous drilling in the Bhandut wells intersected a number of hydrocarbon zones, some of which have been produced and are now shut in. The Bhandut-3 well is producing from a previously undeveloped sandstone at a depth of 1,010 m at virgin reservoir pressure. This zone was flow tested by Oilex and the joint venture in 2013 confirming good reservoir quality with an average permeability of 124 mD and gas of good quality containing 98.9% hydrocarbons, of which 94% is methane and 1.1% nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
As this is the first production from this individual reservoir, the production will be closely monitored to facilitate a greater understanding of its potential. Currently, the joint venture has approval to sell hydrocarbons from this project for 3 months pending completion and approval of a field development plan.
- 赵宁
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业。时刻关注油气行业最新商业动态,以国际权威网站发布的新闻作为原始翻译材料,致力于为您提供国际油气行业最新商业消息,让您紧跟油气行业商业发展的步伐!