

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews.com网站1月15日伦敦报道,尽管分配给可再生能源和低碳技术领域的资金仍将远远低于承诺分配给常规商业油气活动的数量,油气巨头今年将继续加强投资这个领域。 这是惠誉旗下研究机构BMI Research的油气分析师们的观点。他们说他们预计将看到社会、投资者和监管部门的降低排放和减少环境足迹的压力将继续加强。 BMI Research的油气分析师们在提交给Rigzone的一份简短研究报告中说,当与资本支出相比时,油气公司在可再生能源和绿色科技领域的资本投资仍然相对较少。” BMI Research的油气分析师们在报告中补充说,“然而,由于可再生能源技术的成本继续下降,石油技术创新仍在继续以及绿色政策势头继续强劲,石油和天然气公司将越来越多地寻求把资金分配给可再生能源和低碳技术领域以期获得更多市场份额。这将通过合并和收购以及内部研究和发展来体现。” BMI Research在报告中列举了去年下半年油气巨头几个值得注意的“绿色”收购,包括法国道达尔公司去年9月份收购法国可再生能源公司EREN RE的23%间接股份。挪威国家石油公司去年10月份收购巴西已建成的Apodi太阳能资产的40%股份以及英国石油公司去年12月份决定收购欧洲最大太阳能开发商Lightsource的43%股份。 李峻 编译自 RZNews.com 原文如下: Oil, Gas Majors to Boost Renewable Spend Oil and gas majors will continue to strengthen investment into renewable energy and low carbon technology through 2018, although capital allocated in this area will still be significantly below volumes committed to conventional business activity. That is the view of oil and gas analysts at BMI Research, who said they expect to see social, investor, and regulatory pressure to lower emissions, and reduce environmental footprints, continue to intensify. “Capital investment by oil and gas companies into the renewable and green tech space remains relatively small when compared to capital expenditure,” the analysts said in a brief research note sent to Rigzone. “However, as the cost of renewable technology continues to drop, technological innovation persists and green policy momentum continues, oil and gas companies will increasingly look to allocate capital towards gaining market share in renewable energy and low carbon technologies. This will manifest both through mergers and acquisitions, but also through in-house research and development,” the analysts added. BMI highlighted several notable ‘green’ acquisitions by oil and gas majors through the latter part of 2017, including Total’s purchase of an indirect interest of 23 percent in French renewable energy company EREN RE in September, Statoil’s 40 percent share acquisition in the construction-ready Apodi solar asset in Brazil in October, and BP’s decision to buy a 43 percent stake in Europe’s largest solar developer Lightsource in December.
