

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站1月15日新德里报道,英国石油公司、荷兰皇家壳牌公司、高盛投资公司、托克集团、印度芒格洛尔炼油和石化公司以及印度斯坦石油公司日前先后表示他们有兴趣填满印度位于卡纳塔克邦南部帕杜尔的战略石油储备。 时下正在建设原油储备的印度战略石油储备有限公司在去年年底前已邀请来自竞标者填满这个1840万桶设施的最初兴趣。 6家竞标者中有3家竞标者寻求澄清一些问题,包括税收以及商业和战略目的储备的分配。 印度已用伊拉克石油填满了位于南安得拉邦的977万桶维沙卡帕特南战略储备以及用伊朗石油填满了位于卡纳塔克邦的1100万桶Managalore设施。 去年,印度与阿布扎比国家石油公司签署了出租芒格洛尔储存设施剩余储存能力的协议,但这家公司由于税收问题迄今没有供应石油。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: BP, Shell, Goldman Mull Indian Oil Stockpile Deals BP,Royal Dutch Shell, Goldman Sachs, Trafigura, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals and Hindustan Petroleum Corp. have expressed interest in filling India’s strategic oil reserve at Padur in the southern Karnataka state.
India Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd., which is building the crude stockpile, had invited initial interest from bidders by end-December to fill the 18.4 million barrel (bbl) facility Three of the six bidders sought clarity on issues including taxation and division of storage for commercial and strategic purposes – gov’t report India has filled its 9.77 million bbl Vishakhapatnam strategic storage in Southern Andhra Pradesh with Iraqi oil, and half of its 11 million barrels Managalore facility in Karnatak with Iranian oil Last year India signed deal with Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) to lease remainder of the Mangalore storage, but the company has not yet supplied oil due to taxation issues.
