

中国石化新闻网讯 据《海湾油气新闻》1月15日阿布扎比报道,一名熟悉海湾石油生产的欧佩克资深消息人士上周五表示,尽管需求增长强劲以及全球库存减少,海湾欧佩克产油国计划在今年第一季度把他们的石油产量保持在去年同期水平以下。 这名消息人士说,海湾产油国希望确保在过去3年里建立的过剩商业石油库存将被全部消灭。” 这名消息人士补充说,由沙特阿拉伯领导的欧佩克和非欧佩克联合监督委员会将继续监督市场并确保所有产油国将坚持他们的减产。 联合部长级监督委员会(JMMC)将在1月21日在阿曼举行下一次会议。根据一项持续到今年年底的减产协议,欧佩克和包括俄罗斯在内的其他产油国时下正在把他们的石油产量每天削减180万桶。 李峻 编译自 海湾油气新闻 原文如下: Gulf OPEC producers plan to keep Q1 oil output below year-earlier level Gulf OPEC producers plan to keep their oil output in the first quarter of 2018 below the year-earlier level despite strong demand growth and a decline in global inventories, a senior OPEC source familiar with Gulf oil thinking said on Friday. “Gulf oil producers want to make sure that the excess in commercial oil inventories which was built over the past three years will be wiped out completely,” the source said. “The joint OPEC, non-OPEC monitoring committee headed by Saudi Arabia will continue to monitor the market and make sure all countries are adhering to their cuts,” the source added. The joint ministerial monitoring committee, known as the JMMC, is due to meet next in Oman on Jan. 21. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other producers including Russia are cutting oil output by 1.8 MMbpd under a pact running until the end of 2018.
