

中国石化新闻网讯 据油气在线休斯敦1月12日消息,桐昆集团旗下子公司嘉兴石化公司(JPCL)位于浙江嘉兴港区浙江乍浦工业园区石化工厂内的第二套精对苯二甲酸(PTA)装置已经投产。 英威达性能技术公司(IPT)表示,该装置配备了IPT最新的P8专利PTA生产技术,这条新的PTA生产线的首个反应链将在进料后的10天内达到设计产能。 虽然IPT没有说明该新生产线的具体产能,但是据桐昆集团在2013年提交的项目文件上表示,该新建PTA装置的设计产能为120万吨/年。 据IPT网站发布的PTA参考表称,除了该新建PTA装置外,JPCL在该工厂内还运营着一套167万吨/年的PTA生产线,该生产线是在2012年投产的,也配备了IPT的工艺技术。 唐绍红 摘译自 油气在线 原文如下: Chinese operator starts up second PTA line Tongkun Group Co. Ltd. subsidiary Jiaxing Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (JPCL) has commissioned a second purified terephthalic acid (PTA) unit at its petrochemical production plant at Zhejiang Zhapu Industrial Park in Jiaxing Port Area, Zhejiang Province, China. Equipped with Invista Performance Technologies’ (IPT) latest P8 proprietary PTA process technology, the first reaction train of the new PTA line reached its fully designed rate in 10 days after introduction of first feedstock, IPT said. While IPT did not specify capacity of the new line, the new PTA plant previously was slated to have a nameplate capacity of 1.2 million tonnes/year, Tongkun said in a 2013 regulatory filing on the project. In addition to the new PTA plant, JPCL operates a 1.67 million-tpy PTA line at the site that, commissioned in 2012, also is equipped with IPT’s process technology, according to a PTA reference list posted to the service company’s web site.
