

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站1月12日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯第二大石油公司卢克石油公司(卢克/Lukoil)首席执行官瓦吉特· 阿列克佩罗夫周五在莫斯科公布一项20亿至30亿美元回购计划时表示,如果原油价格保持每桶70美元6个月以上,俄罗斯应该开始退出一项旨在削减石油产量的全球协议。 俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯时下正引领更广泛的欧佩克和非欧佩克产油国限制产量的努力来支撑油价。自2017年年中以来,布伦特原油期货价格已上涨了50%多,本周还触及了每桶70.60美元,这是自2014年12月以来首次突破70美元大关。 阿列克佩罗夫对记者说:“如果每桶70美元的油价保持半年以上,我们应该开始平稳退出减产协议。每桶60至70美元的油价对俄罗斯的石油公司来说是一个舒适水平。我们不应重蹈本世纪初油价突破100美元的覆辙。” 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Lukoil Calls for Exit From Output Deal if Oil Holds at $70 Russia should start exiting a global deal to cut oil output if crude prices remain at $70 per barrel for more than six months, Lukoil chief executive Vagit Alekperov said on Friday as he unveiled a $2-3 billion share buyback programme.
Russia and Saudi Arabia are leading the wider OPEC and non-OPEC effort to limit production to prop up prices and Brent crude oil futures have risen by more than 50 percent since mid-2017, hitting $70.60 a barrel this week for the first time since December 2014.
“If the price of $70 remains for more than half a year, we should start exiting smoothly,” Alekperov told reporters.
Alekperov said a price of $60 to $70 a barrel was a comfortable level for Russian oil firms.
“We should not repeat the mistakes of 2000s when the oil price crossed over $100,” he said.
