

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界油气新闻》1月12日阿尔及尔报道,阿尔及利亚国家石油公司(阿国油/Sonatrach)的一名高层官员周三在阿尔及尔宣布,阿尔及利月在2017年向古巴运送了210万桶原油并计划在2018年向古巴运送相同数量的原油来帮助古巴弥补这个岛国的盟友委内瑞拉的供应减少。 阿国油负责贸易和营销的副总裁奥马尔·马里奥对路透社记者说:“我们在2017年分3批每批70万桶共计向古巴交付了210万桶原油。我们在今年将向古巴运送相同数量的原油,其中第一批70万桶即将交付。” 撒哈拉混合轻质低硫原油是阿尔及利亚的主要出口等级原油。近几年来,古巴和阿尔及利亚保持着密切的关系。这个岛国每年从这个非洲国家进口大约2亿至3亿美元的石油产品,其中包括购买一些石脑油。 李距 编译自 世界油气新闻 原文如下: Algeria Sends More Oil To Cuba As Venezuelan Supplies Fall Algeria sent 2.1 million barrels of crude oil to Cuba last year and will ship the same amount in 2018, an official at state energy firm Sonatrach said on Wednesday, helping Cuba to offset lower supplies from the island’s closest ally, Venezuela. “We delivered in 2017 three times 700,000 barrels, a total of 2.1 million barrels to Cuba,” Omar Maaliou, Sonatrach’s vice president in charge of trade and marketing, told Reuters. “We will do the same this year, the first 700,000 barrels are about to be delivered.” Saharan Blend light sweet crude is Algeria’s main export grade. Cuba and Algeria have maintained a close relationship in recent years. The island annually imports some $200 million to$300 million of oil products from the African country, including some purchases of naphtha. Cuba is also a regular buyer of Algerian jet fuel.
