

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯1月10日伦敦报道,来自标普全球普氏能源资讯的统计数据显示,由于西班牙国内需求强劲和更高燃气发电促进了天然气进口,阿尔及利亚一月上旬通过管道出口西班牙的天然气数量达到了多年来的高点。 在周一接收天然气的一天里,西班牙通过Medgaz和Maghreb管道从阿尔及利亚接收了5400万立方米的天然气,其中通过Maghreb管道管道接收了3400万立方米的天然气,这是2013年12月以来的最高日接收量。 导致西班牙阿尔及利亚天然气接收量增加的主要原因是国内需求强劲,当地配送区日需求量周二突破了1亿立方米大关,达到了1.03亿立方米,这是过去5周中的最高日需求量。 此外,西班牙发电对天然气的需求也有所增加,周二达到了1900万立方米,此前在12月23日至1月5日之间的每一个天然气日的需求都低于1000万立方米。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Algerian natural gas flows to Spain at multi-year highs early January Flows of natural gas from Algeria via pipeline into Spain have been running at multi-year highs so far in January with firm domestic demand and higher gas-fired generation boosting flows, data from S&P Global Platts Analytics showed.
Spain received a total of 54 million cu m of gas from Algeria via the Medgaz and Maghreb pipelines combined during Monday’s gas day, with receipts via Maghreb of 34 million cu m rising to their highest since December 2013.
The boost in Algerian receipts has been primarily driven by firm domestic demand, with Local Distribution Zone demand cracking the 100 million cu m/d mark on Tuesday, reaching its highest in over five weeks at 103 million cu m.
Furthermore, Spanish gas-for-power demand has also picked up, reaching 19 million cu m on Tuesday after having been below 10 million cu m/d for each gas day between December 23 and January 5.
