

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社胡拜尔1月9日报道,巴林国家新闻社BNA援引国家石油和天然气管理局的报道,巴林周一提高了汽油价格,使其更接近国际水平。 91号汽油的售价从125费尔上涨到每升140费尔(37美分),而95号汽油的售价从160费尔上涨到200费尔。 价格仍将保持在国际最低水平。 邻国沙特阿拉伯上周提高了国内燃料价格,作为经济改革的一部分,通过向民众发放现金补贴来回应公众不满。 巴林的国家财政状况较差,因此减轻油价上涨影响的空间更小。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Bahrain raises gasoline prices to improve state finances Bahrain raised gasoline prices on Monday to bring them closer to international levels, state news agency BNA reported, quoting the National Oil and Gas Authority. Octane 91 sold for 140 fils (37 U.S. cents) a litre, up from 125 fils, while Octane 95 sold for 200 fils, up from 160 fils. Prices will remain among the lowest in the world. Neighbouring Saudi Arabia raised domestic fuel prices last week as part of economic reforms, responding to public discontent by compensating citizens with cash handouts. Bahrain, with weaker state finances, has less room to mitigate the impact of higher fuel prices.
