

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯1月8日消息,国际油价在2018年开始强劲上涨,其中美国西德克萨斯中质油(WTI)价格已决定性地突破每桶60美元。AMP资本公司表示,伊朗的动荡无疑是另一个因素,但它很可能会淡出或被压制,因此伊朗石油生产的中断是不太可能发生的。在全球经济强劲增长和欧佩克供应纪律的环境下,石油的强劲需求可能是主要驱动因素。该公司补充称,油价可能会受到页岩油产量增加的限制,但在此期间,油价可能会进一步上涨 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: World Oil Prices Reflect Stronger World Economy [Dow Jones] The world oil price has started 2018 on a strong note with West Texas Intermediate pushing decisively through $US60/barrel. Unrest in Iran is no doubt an additional factor, but it’s likely to either fade out or be suppressed, so a disruption to Iranian oil production is unlikely, says AMP Capital. Rather strong demand for oil on the back of stronger global growth and OPEC supply discipline are likely the main drivers. The oil price is likely to be capped by a pickup in shale oil production, but it could go a bit higher yet in the interim, it adds.
