中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站1月7日维也纳报道,路透社日前进行的一次调查结果显示,由于委内瑞拉石油产量进一步下降以及海湾石油出口国额外削减石油出口量,欧佩克在去年12月份加深了其对减产协议的遵守。尽管油价上涨,欧佩克仍表现出了对协议的强劲承诺。 调查发现,欧佩克12月份减产执行率从11月份的125%上升到了128%。阿拉伯联合酋长国12月份的石油产量自减产协议在去年1月生效以来首次低于欧佩克的目标,从而加入沙特阿拉伯和科威特的减产行列。 作为与俄罗斯和其他非欧佩克产油国达成的减产协议的一部分,欧佩克正在把石油日产量减少大约120万桶。这项减产协议将一直持续到2018年年底。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: OPEC Oil Cut Adherence Rises in December OPEC deepened compliance with an oil supply-cutting deal in December due to a further decline in Venezuelan output and extra cuts by Gulf exporters, a Reuters survey found, showing strong commitment to the deal despite higher prices.
Adherence to the curbs rose to 128 percent from 125 percent in November, the survey found. The United Arab Emirates for the first time since the deal took effect in January 2017 pumped below its OPEC target, joining Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is reducing output by about 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) as part of a deal with Russia and other non-OPEC producers. The pact will run until the end of 2018.