

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦1月3日消息,新的一年美国丙烯产能有望出现大幅增加,因为有一套新建丙烷脱氢(PDH)装置将建成投产,同时还有一些新建裂解装置将陆续投产,但丙烯下游衍生物产能仍保持稳定。
除了该PDH装置延期投产外,飓风哈维导致美国多个炼油厂和烯烃装置的丙烯生产非计划停工。虽然很多非计划停工在飓风过后的几周内恢复生产,但是一些烯烃装置一直停工至当年的11月份,其中有一套装置停工至12月份。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻
OUTLOOK ’18: US propylene production set to expand in 2018 -With the start-up of a new propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit and several crackers, propylene capacity in the US is set to expand during 2018, while downstream capacity remains steady. Enterprise Products’ 750,000 tonne/year PDH unit had been expected to start-up in September prior to Hurricane Harvey. Effects from the hurricane delayed the unit’s commissioning schedule, and the company had said it expected to start up the unit in November. While market sources have said that start-up activities for the unit had begun in late November, the company said in a government filing that start-up activities could continue into late January. Aside from the delay in the PDH start-up, Hurricane Harvey in late August had caused multiple outages for propylene production from refineries and olefin units. Although many outages resolved in the weeks following the hurricane, several olefins units were offline into November and one into December.
