

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站12月30日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯最大的国有石油生产公司俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)日前在莫斯科宣布,该公司已要求本国竞争监管机构允许其竞购俄罗斯钻石巨头阿尔罗萨公司将出售的天然气田。然而,就在一天前,俄油曾表示该公司不太可能参加此次拍卖。 俄油发言人米哈伊尔·列昂季耶夫周五(29日)在莫斯科说,俄油日前已向俄罗斯联邦反垄断机构提出购买阿尔罗萨公司天然气资产的请求。 此举标志着俄油在收购阿尔罗萨天然气资产一事上来了一个180度的大转弯。俄油周三(27日)曾表示,由于拍卖条件不够透明以及没有给潜在买家足够的时间来准备他们的报价,俄油很有可能不参加拍卖。 俄油没有解释改变主意的原因。发言人对路透社说,俄油仍没有同意拍卖的条件。 世界最大的未经加工钻石生产商阿尔罗萨公司计划在2018年2月19日举行的一次拍卖中出售其在俄罗斯亚马尔-涅涅茨地区的天然气资产,起拍价为300亿卢布(5.19亿美元)。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Rosneft, in U-turn, plans to bid for Alrosa’s gas assets Russia’s top oil producer Rosneft said it had asked the country’s competition watchdog for permission to bid for gas fields put up for sale by diamond miner Alrosa, a day after saying it was unlikely to take part in the auction. “Rosneft has filed a request to FAS (the Federal Anti-Monopoly service) for the purchase of Alrosa’s gas assets,” Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev said on Friday. The move represents a U-turn for Rosneft, which said on Thursday it was unlikely to participate. The company had said the conditions were not transparent enough and did not give potential buyers enough time to prepare their bids. The company did not explain the reason for the change of heart. Leontyev told Reuters the company still does not agree with the auction’s conditions. Alrosa, the world’s largest producer of rough diamonds, plans to sell its gas assets in Russia’s Yamalo-Nenets region in an auction on Feb. 19 with a starting price of 30 B roubles ($519 MM).
