中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月20日索契报道,俄罗斯最大的石油生产公司俄罗斯石油公司(俄油/Rosneft)第一副总裁帕维尔·费多罗夫在索契介绍公司2022年前战略时说,全球减产协议可能会延长到2018年以后。 欧佩克和以俄罗斯为首的其他产油大国上个月同意把减产协议延长到2018年年底并有可能在明年6月份审查这项协议。 费多罗夫说:“欧佩克这一减产协议显然会影响我们的短期目标,所以我不排除它可能会延长。” 俄油一名官员周一表示,在距离俄油开始钻第一口海上勘探井地方不远的黑海度假胜地索契宣布的这项新战略设想俄油将把重点放在其现有资产的价值创造上。 根据这名公司官员所说,俄油的这项新战略将为自由现金流增加4200多亿卢布,其中1800亿卢布将来自上游部门。 李峻 编译自 路透社
原文如下: Rosneft does not rule out global oil output cuts extended beyond 2018
A global deal to cut oil production could be extended beyond 2018, Pavel Fedorov, first vice-president of Russia’s largest oil producer Rosneft said on Monday, presenting the company’s strategy through to 2022.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other large oil producers led by Russia agreed last month to extend the deal to curb output until the end of 2018 with a possibility of reviewing it in June.
“On the whole … this OPEC agreement obviously will affect our short-term targets, all the more so I don’t rule out it could be extended,” Fedorov said.
The new strategy announced in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, not far from the place Rosneft started drilling its first exploration off shore well, envisages that Rosneft will focus on value creation at its existing assets, a company official said on Monday
According to the company’s official, the new strategy will add as much as 420 B roubles to the free cash flow, including 180 B from upstream segment.