中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月20日阿尔及尔报道,阿尔及利亚国家石油公司(阿国油/Sonatrach)首席执行官卡杜尔周三在阿尔及尔表示,阿国油日前与英国石油公司(BP)和挪威国家石油公司(挪油)签署了一项协议,从其麾下的Tiguentourine气田额外生产110亿立方米天然气。 这个气田目前年产90亿立方米天然气,但需要更多的投资来把这个气田的产量保持到2035年以后。 卡杜尔在阿国油总部举行的签字仪式上对媒体记者说,阿国油,BP和挪油签署了一项投资5亿美元额外开采110亿立方米天然气储量的协议。 阿国油的统计数据显示,这个气田自2006年投产以来已投资34亿美元并已生产出780亿立方米的天然气。 根据官方统计数据,阿尔及利亚目前年产940亿立方米天然气。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Algeria’s Sonatrach signs $500 MM gas deal with BP, Statoil
Algerian state-owned energy company Sonatrach has signed an agreement with BP and Statoil to produce an additional 11 Bcm of natural gas from its Tiguentourine gas field, Sonatrach’s CEO said on Wednesday.
The field produces 9 Bcm/yr, but more investment is needed to maintain that output beyond 2035.
“Sonatrach, British Petroleum, and Statoil have signed a deal to invest $500 million to recover an 11 Bcm additional reserve,” Sonatrach CEO Abdelmoumene Ould Kaddour told reporters during a signing ceremony at Sonatrach’s headquarter.
The field has produced 78 Bcm of gas involving an investment of $3.4 billion since opening in 2006, Sonatrach figures show.
Algeria’s annual gas production stands at 94 Bcm, according to official figures