

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月18日首尔/新加坡报道,韩国第二大炼油企业GS Caltex公司的一名发言人周一在首尔说,该公司日前罕见地购买了加拿大冷湖原油船货,这是该公司20多年来首次购买加拿大这种等级原油。 发言人说,韩国GS Caltex公司购买了30万桶加拿大重质含硫原油,交付的时间是明年2月份。 一名熟悉此事的因没有被授权对媒体发表讲话而要求匿名消息人士说,GS Caltex公司将设法精炼少部分质量与伊拉克巴士拉重油类似的加拿大冷湖原油。 汤森路透Eikon的贸易流量数据显示,12月13日,大约30万桶冷湖原油在温哥华装上了巴拿马级《Selecao号》油轮,这批冷湖原油将交付给一个没有指定的目的地。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: S.Korea refiner buys rare Canadian crude cargo for February South Korean refiner GS Caltex Corp has bought a rare cargo of Cold Lake crude, the company’s first purchase in more than two decades of this Canadian oil grade, a company spokesman said on Monday. The second-largest refiner in South Korea bought 300,000 bbl of the heavy sour crude for delivery in the second half of February, he said. The refiner is trying out a small volume of the oil, which has a quality similar to that of Iraq’s Basra Heavy crude, a person familiar with the matter said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized speak to media. About 300,000 barrels of Cold Lake were loaded onto Panamax Selecao on Dec. 13 at Vancouver for delivery to an unspecified destination, trade flows data on Thomson Reuters Eikon showed.
