

中国石化新闻网讯 据AzerNews网站12月18日巴库报道,俄罗斯媒体周一报道说,俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气/Gazprom)今年1月1日至12月15日期间向土耳其出口了创纪录数量的天然气,供应量同比增加了18.8%,达到了276亿立方米。 俄气在一份新闻稿中说,在今年11.5个月里,俄气向其第二大海外市场土耳其出口了276亿立方米的天然气,从而打破了2014年创下的出口273亿立方米天然气的最高纪录。 除此以外,俄气今年出口将被时下正在建造中的土耳其溪天然气管道覆盖的其他国家的天然气数量也得到了增加,包括希腊(同比增加10.1%/下同)、保加利亚(5.7%)、匈牙利(22%)和塞尔维亚(23.5%). 俄气在今年5月7日在俄罗斯黑海海岸开建土耳其溪天然气管道的海底部分。 李峻 编译自 AzerNews 原文如下: Gazprom’s exports to Turkey up by 18.8% Russia’s gas giant Gazprom said on Sunday is had exported a record-breaking volume of gas to Turkey in a period from January 1 to December 15, 2017, having increased supplies by 18.8% on the same period last year, to 27.6 billion cubic meters, TASS reported. “In the eleven and a half months of 2017, Gazprom exported 27.6 billion cubic meters of gas to Turkey, its second largest foreign market. The 2014 gas exports record of 27.3 billion cubic meter has been broken,” the company said in a press release. Apart from that, gas exports to other countries that are to be covered by the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, which is now under construction, also increased, including by 10.1% to Greece, by 5.7% – to Bulgaria, by 22% – to Hungary, and by 23.5% – to Serbia. Gazprom kicked off the construction of the pipeline’s seabed section off the Russian Black Sea shore on May 7.
