

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月19日消息,为了增加国内市场的能源供应,澳大利亚政府已经启动了准备开放的21个近海油气勘探区域的咨询。这些区域包括西澳大利亚州沿海和北领地的部分地区,以及Ashmore和卡迪尔群岛。根据油气公司对他们感兴趣区域的提名,此次研究的准备开放的海洋油气勘探区域还包括了位于维多利亚东南部的巴斯海峡的石油和天然气产区。全球行业咨询公司麦肯锡最近的一份报告发现,复兴巴斯海峡油气生产可能是抑制澳大利亚东海岸天然气价格上涨的一种方式。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Australia Eyes New Gas Exploration Areas Australia’s government has launched a consultation on 21 areas set to be opened for offshore oil and gas exploration, as it tries to boost energy supplies for the domestic market. They include parts of the coast of Western Australia state and the Northern Territory, as well as Ashmore and Cartier Islands. The annual acreage, based on nominations from oil and gas companies on areas they are interested in, also includes the longstanding oil and gas producing region of Bass Strait, off southeastern Victoria. A recent report from global industry consultants McKinsey found that reinvigorating production in Bass Strait may be one way to keep a lid on spiraling gas prices on Australia’s east coast.
