

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯12月19日东京报道,日本能源经济研究所(IEEJ)周二在东京说,由于更多的核电站将重新启动,日本的液化天然气(LNG)进口量在从明年4月开始的2018-2019财政年度内预计将比本财政年度下降2.2%,从本财年预计进口的8280万吨下降到8100万吨。 根据IEEJ,这个预测是基于假设已经重启的核电站数在下财年结束前将从目前的5个达到9个。 九州电力公司麾下的两个仙台核电站、关西电力公司麾下的两个高滨核电站以及四国电力公司麾下的一个伊方核电站目前正在运行中。 IEEJ还说,2018-2019财年预计全球将年增2630万吨LNG供应能力,使得全球LNG年总供应能力达到3.047亿吨。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Japan LNG imports seen down to 81 million mt in 2018-19 financial year: IEEJ Japan’s LNG imports are expected to drop to 81 million mt in the 2018-19 fiscal year which starts in April, down 2.2% from projected LNG imports of 82.8 million mt in the current fiscal year as more nuclear reactors restart, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan said Tuesday.
The forecast is based on the assumption the number of nuclear reactors that have restarted would reach to nine by the end of fiscal year 2018-19 from the current five, according to the IEEJ.
Kyushu Electric’s two Sendai reactors, Kansai Electric’s two Takahama reactors and Shikoku Electric’s one Ikata reactor are currently in operation.
The IEEJ also said 26.3 million mt/year of additional LNG supply capacity is expected in 2018-19, bringing the total global capacity to 304.7 million mt/year.
