

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站12月18日里约热内卢报道,挪威国家石油公司(挪油/Statoil)周一在奥斯陆宣布,挪油将在一笔价值可能高达29亿美元的交易中从巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油/Petrobras)收购位于巴西坎波斯盆地的龙卡多尔油田的25%股份。 这笔包括最初支付23.5亿美元加上额外或有支付5.5亿美元的交易将把挪油在巴西的油气日产量从4万桶提高到大约11万桶。 交易完成后,拥有75%股份的巴西国油将保留这个油田的作业权。龙卡多尔油田交易的有效日期是2018年1月1日,完成这笔交易还需要满足一些条件,包括政府批准。 李峻 编译自 RZNews.com 原文如下: Statoil to Acquire Roncador Field Interest in $2.9B Deal Statoil ASA has announced that it will acquire a 25 percent interest in the Roncador oil field in Brazil’s Campos Basin from Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), in a deal which could reach up to $2.9 billion. The transaction, which comprises an initial payment of $2.35 billion plus additional contingent payments of up to $550 million, will increase Statoil’s production in Brazil from around 40,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) to around 110,000 boepd. Following the deal, Petrobras will retain operatorship in the field with a 75 percent interest. The effective date for the Roncador transaction is January 1, 2018, with closing subject to certain conditions, including government approval.
