

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月13日休斯敦报道,根据美国能源信息署(EIA)周二发表的短期能源展望报告,美国今年的干天然气日产量预计将比去年增加1%,从728.5亿立方英尺增加到735.5亿立方英尺。 最新的12月份产量预测比EIA在11月份预测的天然气产量日增1亿立方英尺但仍低于2015年创下的平均日产741.4亿立方英尺的最高纪录。 EIA在报告中还预测美国今年天然气日消费量环比将下降近2%,从2016年创纪录的751亿立方英尺下降到737.1亿立方英尺。2016年的高点是连续第7年的年度需求最高纪录。 EIA预测美国明年天然气产量和消费量将跃升至历史最高水平,天然气日产量将达到813.4亿立方英尺,而天然气日消费量将达到768.5亿立方英尺。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: US natgas output seen up 1% in 2017, but below 2015 record US dry natural gas production was forecast to rise to 73.55 Bcfd in 2017 from 72.85 Bcfd in 2016, according to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) on Tuesday.
The latest December output projection was up from the EIA’s 73.45-Bcfd forecast in November but falls short of the record high 74.14 Bcfd produced on average in 2015.
The EIA also projected US gas consumption would fall nearly 2% to 73.71 Bcfd in 2017 from a record 75.10 Bcfd in 2016. The 2016 high was the seventh annual demand record in a row.
Both production and consumption would jump to record highs in 2018 with output hitting 81.34 Bcfd and usage reaching 76.85 Bcfd, the EIA forecast.
