中国石化新闻网讯 据FinancialTribune网站12月18日消息,埃及的巨型祖尔气田上周六开始投产,推动该国向LNG供应自给自足的目标更进一步。
今年10月,莫拉声明表示2018年将向埃及的祖尔气田、北亚历山大气田与努罗斯气田投资2730万美元。石油部表示,2018年,3个气田预计将使埃及天然气产量提升50%,到2020年提升100%. 詹乐乾 摘译自FinancialTribune 原文如下: Egypt’s Zohr Field Starts Gas Output at 10 mcm/d Egypt’s super-giant Zohr Gas Field started pumping on Saturday, bringing the country closer to achieving its goal of self-sufficiency in the supply of liquefied natural gas.
In a statement on Saturday, Petroleum Minister Tarek El-Molla said gas was now being pumped from Zohr to Port Said’s new land station at El-Gameel, where it is being treated and transferred to the national natural-gas network.
El-Molla said the gas field is set to produce an initial 10 million cubic meters per day. He added that once the first stage of the project is completed in June 2018, production will increase to 28 mcm, meaning Egypt would have achieved self-sufficiency in LNG supply.
“The second stage is due to be finalized by the end of 2019,” he said, with production reaching 76 mcm.
Egypt was a net exporter of LNG until 2014. However, it became a net importer in recent years due to a declining output and power shortages amid political turmoil.
In October, El-Molla announced that $27.3 million would be invested in three Egyptian natural gas fields—Zohr, North Alexandria, and Nooros—during 2018. The three gas fields are expected to raise Egypt’s natural gas output by 50% in 2018 and 100% in 2020, according to the ministry.