

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社伦敦12月15日报道,一周前,喀麦隆正准备在全球液化天然气市场争夺一席之地,而市场已经被美国和俄罗斯已经开始供应新的天然气供应变得拥挤。 现在这部分额外的产量来得十分及时。 知情人士透露,法国的Perenco SA和美国的Golar LNG Ltd.将在2月份从喀麦隆的价值12亿美元的液化天然气项目里开始装船出货。 根据咨询公司Energy Aspects Ltd .的数据,他们将刚刚好卡在一个价格飙升的时间,此时欧洲进口量将近三分之一,奥地利、英国和挪威的供应中心遭遇寒流和供应中断,导致天然气价格升至四年来的高位。 喀麦隆在欧洲市场享有地理优势。 将货物运往英国大约需要11天,而来自欧洲最大的液化天然气供应国卡塔尔的油轮需要两周的时间。 在寒冷的天气或突发的供应危机中,节省几天时间可能是至关重要的,因为该地区自身的天然气基础设施老化,容易受到破坏。 蔡小全 编译自 彭博社 原文如下: New Africa gas comes at right time for Europe in supply woes A week ago, Cameroon was getting ready to jostle for space in a global liquefied natural gas market already crowded with new supplies from the U.S. and Russia. Now the extra output couldn’t come at a better time. France’s Perenco SA and U.S.-traded Golar LNG Ltd. will start shipments from their $1.2-billion LNG project off Cameroon in February, according to people familiar with the plans. That’ll be just in time for a surge of almost a third in European imports, according to consultants Energy Aspects Ltd., after a cold snap and disruptions at supply hubs in Austria, the UK and Norway sent gas prices to a four-year high. Cameroon enjoys a geographical advantage in the European market. It takes about 11 days to ship a cargo to Britain, while a tanker from Qatar, Europe’s biggest supplier of LNG, takes about two weeks. Saving a few days may prove crucial during freezing weather or a sudden supply crisis — a growing risk as the region’s own gas infrastructure ages and becomes vulnerable to breakdown.
