中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月18日消息,受冬季需求增加预期的刺激,周一天然气价格大幅上涨。 周一纽约商品交易所1月份交付的天然气期货价格上涨13.3美分升至2.745美元/百万英热单位,涨幅达到5.1%。 据MDA气象服务机构称,在未来6到10天和11到15天的预报中,模型预测美国的气温将低于历史同期平均水平。交易员们预计,寒冷的气温将促进用于供暖的天然气需求。 上周美国天然气价格跌至近10个月来的最低水平,但是周一的走势逆转了此前美国天然气价格一路下跌的走势。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Natural-Gas Prices Climb as Cold Weather Approaches Natural gas prices rose on Monday on expectations for an increase in winter demand. Futures for January delivery gained 13.3 cents, or 5.1%, to $2.745 a million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange. According to MDA Weather Services, models are predicting a flood of colder-than-average weather across the U.S. in the six-to-10-day forecast and the 11 to 15 day forecast. Traders expect the cold temperatures to boost demand for natural gas, which is used in heating homes. Monday’s move reversed a string of losses that led natural gas prices to the lowest level in nearly 10 months last week.