

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界天然气新闻》12月15日伦敦报道,根据运营商BBL公司说法,通过BBL管道从英国向荷兰运输天然气从2019年秋天起将首次成为可能。 目前,天然气实际上只能通过BBL管道从荷兰向英国输送。然而,通过对位于Anna Paulowna的压缩机站的管道网络的修改,从2019年秋天起通过BBL管道从英国向荷兰输送天然气将成为可能。 BBL公司说,这将进一步加强欧洲两个最具流动性市场总部设在荷兰的Title Transfer Facility(TTF)和英国national Balabcing Point(NBP)之间的贸易。 BBL公司还说,欧洲对英国天然气出口依然有需求,尤其是在夏季。 李峻 编译自 世界天然气新闻 原文如下: UK to export gas to Netherlands via BBL pipeline from 2019 The transportation of gas to the Netherlands from Britain through the BBL pipeline will be made possible for the first time from autumn 2019, according to operator BBL Co. At present, gas can only physically be transported through the BBL from the Netherlands to Britain. However, through modifications to the pipeline network at the compressor station at Anna Paulowna and the gas terminal at Bacton, it will be possible to transport gas from Britain to the Netherlands from the autumn of 2019. “This will further strengthen trade between the two most liquid market areas in Europe, the Netherlands-based Title Transfer Facility (TTF) and the British National Balancing Point (NBP),” BBL Co. said. The company also said there was demand for British gas exports in Europe, particularly during summer.
