

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月15日莫斯科报道,熟悉装载计划的消息人士周五(15日)对路透社记者表示,俄罗斯明年第一季度通过斯科沃罗季诺——漠河(斯-漠)管道出口中国的东西伯利亚-太平洋(ESPO)混合原油数量将比今年第四季度增加57%至670万吨。 作为其在与西方政治对峙中加强与亚太地区关系政策的一部分,俄罗斯已成为中国最大的原油供应国,日交付量已经超过了100万桶。 作为一项政府间协议,俄罗斯2018年将向中国供应2830万吨原油,比今年增加1180万吨。 李峻 编译自路透社 原文如下: Russian oil exports to China via Skovorodino seen jumping 57% in 1Q Russian ESPO Blend oil exports to China via the Skovorodino-Mohe pipeline are expected to jump by 57% to 6.7 MMt in the first quarter of 2018 compared with the previous three months, sources familiar with the loading schedule told Reuters on Friday. Russia has become China’s top supplier of oil with total deliveries exceeding 1 MMbpd as part of its policy to boost ties with the Asia-Pacific amid a political stand-off with the West. Russia will supply 28.3 MMt of oil to China via the Skovorodino-Mohe pipeline in 2018 as part of an inter-governmental agreement, up from 16.5 MMt seen for 2017.
