

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新德里12月15日消息,在印度政府告诉该国法院其支持抑制使用石油焦政策的几天后,印度政府已经将石油焦的实际进口关税从2.5%大幅上调至了10%, 在政府终止了对进口石油焦的免税政策后,这项关税已经大幅提高,因为石油焦比煤炭排放的温室气体要多11%,而且还会释放出更多的二氧化硫,从而导致肺病。 印度高级法院今年10月份禁止在新德里及附近地区使用石油焦,以缓解新德里这个全球污染最为严重之一的城市的空气质量。 印度是世界上最大的石油焦消费国,其中大部分来自于美国的炼油厂。当地生产商包括印度石油公司、信实工业和巴拉特石油公司。 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: India increases petcoke import tax in blow to US refiners India has raised the effective import duty on petroleum coke to 10% from 2.5%, according to a government order, days after the government told a court it was in favor of curbing the use of the dirty-burning fuel. The duty has gone up after the government ended an exemption to tax payable on importing the fuel that emits 11% more greenhouse gases than coal and also releases several times more sulfur dioxide, which causes lung diseases. The Supreme Court in October banned the use of petroleum coke, better known as petcoke, in and around New Delhi in a bid to clean up the air in one of the world’s most polluted cities. India is the world’s biggest consumer of petcoke, with most of that coming from refineries in the United States. Local producers include Indian Oil Corp, Reliance Industries and Bharat Petroleum Corp.
