

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews.com网站12月15日奥斯陆报道,挪威著名石油公司阿克尔BP公司日前向挪威石油和能源部提交了3个油田的开发计划,这3个油田分别是Ærfugl油田、Vahall Flank West油田和Skogul油田。 Ærfugl油田开发的总投资估计在10亿美元(85亿挪威克朗),比之前估计减少了大约2.42亿美元(20亿挪威克朗),而Vahall Flank West油田和Skogul油田开发的总投资估计分别在6.64亿美元(55亿挪威克朗)和1.81亿美元(15亿挪威克朗)。Vahall Flank West油田开发的最新总投资比之前估计减少了1.81亿美元(15亿挪威克朗)。 阿克尔BP在一份公司声明中说,在3个油田的开采期内,根据每桶60美元的油价计算,这3个项目估计将产生120亿美元(1000亿挪威克朗)的总油气收入并创造1.4万个全职工作。 李峻 编译自RZNews.com 原文如下: Aker BP Submits $1.8B Field Development Plans Aker BP ASA has submitted development plans for the Ærfugl (formerly Snadd), Valhall Flank West and Skogul (formerly Storklakken) fields to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Total investments for the Ærfugl development are estimated at $1 billion (NOK 8.5 billion), which marks a reduction of approximately $242 million (NOK 2 billion) from previous estimates, with investments for Valhall Flank West and Skogul estimated at $664 million (NOK 5.5 billion) and $181 million (NOK 1.5 billion), respectively. The latest Valhall Flank estimate also represents a reduction of more than $181 million (NOK 1.5 billion) compared to previous figures. Over the lifetime of the fields, the three projects are estimated to generate total oil and gas revenues of $12 billion (NOK 100 billion), based on an oil price of $60 per barrel, and generate 14,000 full time jobs, Aker BP said in a company statement.
