

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站12月12日伦敦报道,消息人士称,世界最大的矿业公司澳大利亚必和必拓公司日前要求4家投资银行帮助其准备出售或分拆其在美国业绩不佳的页岩油气部门,必和必拓公司预计将在明年年初就此事作出一个决定。 必和必拓公司在今年8月曾表示,该公司打算出售其在鹰福特、二叠纪、海恩斯维尔和费耶特维尔盆地的非常规陆上页岩资产。必和必拓公司在石油繁荣的鼎盛时期收购了这些资产,它们的价值可能超过100亿美元。 消息人士说,必和必拓公司已聘请巴克莱银行和美银美林来评估出售资产的选项,包括这些资产是否一起出售或分开出售,因为这些资产可能会吸引不同的买家。 消息人士补充说,必和必拓公司还聘请了花旗银行和高盛银行来研究把页岩油气部门潜在分拆到一家新公司。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: BHP Hires Four Banks for U.S. Shale Exit BHP , the world’s largest miner, has asked four investment banks to help it prepare for either a sale or spin-off of its underperforming U.S. shale oil and gas unit, with a view to taking a decision in early 2018, sources said. BHP said in August it aimed to sell its unconventional onshore shale assets in the Eagle Ford, Permian, Haynesville and Fayetteville basins, which it acquired at the height of the oil boom and could be valued at more than $10 billion. It has hired Barclays and Bank of America-Merrill Lynch to assess options for the sale of assets, including whether they would be sold together or separately, as they may appeal to different potential buyers, the sources said. It has also asked Citi and Goldman Sachs to research the potential spin-off of the unit into a new company, the sources added.
