

    中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月11日消息,全球最大的石油出口国沙特阿拉伯周一称,2018年1月沙特的整体原油供应量将维持在近期低位,以符合该国对欧佩克牵头的减产协议的承诺,该协议旨在帮助抑制全球石油供应过剩。     沙特能源部在一封电子邮件声明中称,2018年1月该国石油巨头沙特阿美对美国和欧洲市场的原油出口量将保持稳定,而对亚洲市场的原油出口量将较2017年12月削减逾10万桶/日。     欧佩克与俄罗斯牵头的产油大国集团上月在维也纳一致同意维持减产协议至2018年底,此举旨在安抚仍在经历脆弱复苏的石油业。     张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯     原文如下:     Saudi Arabia to Keep Crude Supply in January at Recent Low Levels
    Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia said Monday that it will maintain its overall crude oil supply levels in January 2018 at their recent low levels, in line with the country’s commitments to the OPEC-led supply reduction pact aimed at helping rein in a global supply glut.
    State oil major Saudi Aramco (SAMR.YY) will keep its exports to the U.S. and Europe steady, while exports to Asia will be cut by more than 100,000 barrels a day relative to December 2017, the kingdom’s energy ministry said in an e-mailed statement.
    The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and a Russia-led group of big oil producers agreed last month in Vienna to keep limiting their output through the end of 2018 as they seek to provide assurance to an oil industry still working through a fragile recovery.
