

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月7日消息,喀麦隆国家油气公司SNH周三表示,今年1-10月喀麦隆的原油产量同比大幅减少逾16%。 SNH公告称,今年前10个月喀麦隆生产原油2341万吨,同比下降16.41%。 据公告称,今年1-10月的原渍产量低于SNH此前预计的2816万吨,主要是因为今年初该国削减了石油生产方面的投资。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Cameroon’s January to October 2017 Crude Oil Output Falls 16% On-Year -SNH Cameroon’s crude oil production between January and October 2017 plummeted more than 16% from the year-earlier period, said the West African nation’s state-run National Hydrocarbons Corporation, or SNH, on Wednesday. During this 10-month period 23.41 million barrels of crude oil were produced, down 16.41% from last year’s output during the same period, SNH said in a statement. According to the statement, output also fell lower than the estimated 28.16 million barrels SNH had forecast for the 10-month period in 2017, following cuts to investment in oil production earlier this year.
