中国石化新闻网讯 道琼斯12月5日消息,法国道达尔公司周一表示,公司已经与安哥拉国家石油公司Sonangol签署了一系列的协议,涉及安哥拉国内的油气勘探、开采、炼油和加工活动。 道达尔表示,协议签署后,道达尔和Sonangol将合作重新开始安哥拉的深水海洋油气勘探活动。该项目的第一阶段将持续两年时间,将包括钻取一口勘探井。 道达尔表示,双方也已经签署了一份谅解备忘录,将寻求安哥拉可再生能源供应的机会,同时将寻求在安哥拉建立成品油经销网络的机会。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Total to Expand Oil and Gas Activities in Angola Total SA (FP.FR) said on Monday that it has signed several agreements with Angola’s national oil company Sonangol, covering oil-and-gas exploration, production, refining and processing activities in the country. Following the agreements, Total and Sonangol will jointly restart deep offshore exploration in Angola, the French energy company said. The first phase of this program will last two years, and will consist of the drilling of an exploration well. Total said both companies have also signed a memorandum of understanding to seek opportunities for renewable-energy supply in Angola, as well as for the development of a network to distribute oil products in the country.