

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月4日消息,Navigistics咨询公司的David St Amand表示,受油轮费率廉价的刺激,这个秋天美国石油出口速度加快。美国的情况比较稀有,因为既是主要的原油进口国,又是主要的原油出口国,这意味着满载中东原油至美国墨西哥湾沿岸的油轮在返程时可以重新装载美国原油驶向拉美或欧洲市场。这些所谓的“回程”和“三角”航线有助于降低从美国出发的油轮运价。例如,中东至日本航线的油轮运费指数目前为ws70(相当于国际油轮运价指数WS的70%),而中东至美国墨西哥湾沿岸上的运费指数仅为ws28。当前从得克萨斯Corpus Christi到鹿特丹的原油航运成本为每桶1.12美元至每桶2.30美元,这取决于油轮的规模。从Corpus Christi到韩国的原油航运成本为每桶2.90至4.30美元,从Corpus Christi到新加坡的原油航运成本为每桶2.66至5.13美元之间。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: US Oil Exports Speed Up on Low Tanker Rates The pace of US oil exports accelerated this fall thanks to cheap tanker economics, says David St Amand of Navigistics Consulting. The US is in the rare situation of being both a major crude oil importer and a major exporter, which means tankers can deliver Mideast crude to the US Gulf Coast and then refill and move to other markets in Latin America or Europe. Those so-called “backhaul” and “triangular” routes have helped reduce tanker rates from the US. For instance, Mideast-to-Japan rates are now at WS70 (or 70% of the Worldscale flat tanker rate) while Mideast to the US Gulf is WS28. Current shipping costs from Corpus Christi, Texas to Rotterdam runs between $1.12 to $2.30 a barrel, depending on the size of the oil tanker. From Corpus to Korea it’s between $2.90 and $4.30 a barrel, and from Corpus to Singapore it’s between $2.66 to $5.13 a barrel.
