

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦12月4日消息,美国化学委员会(ACC)周一在其最新发布的全球化工产量地区指数(Global CPRI)中表示,由于飓风的影响远落后于化学工业,10月份全球化工产量环比9月增长了0.4%。 10月份全球CPRI的三个月移动平均值(3MMA)同比增长2.7%。 尽管10月份北美化工产量总体上有所改善,但是产量的增长仅仅反映了美国在飓风哈维影响过后的反弹。ACC指出,10月份加拿大和墨西哥的化工产量则出现下降。 在拉美,ACC表示,10月份的化工产量环比上月增长了0.3%。 ACC表示,10月份西欧地区化工产量环比增长0.4%。ACC指出,尽管中国经济疲软,但是10月份亚太地区的化工产量环比增长0.4%。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下: Global chemistry production grows during October – ACC With the effects from hurricanes well behind the chemical industry, global chemical production rose by 0.4% in October from September, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) said on Monday in its latest Global Chemical Production Regional Index (Global CPRI).
Year over year, the global CPRI was up by 2.7% on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis. Though chemical production in North America improved overall, the rise in production reflected a rebound from the effects of Hurricane Harvey in the US. The ACC noted that for Canada and Mexico, chemical production slipped during October. In Latin America, the ACC said chemical industry output in October increased by 0.3% month on month. The ACC said that for Western Europe, chemical production rose by 0.4% month on month in October. Chemical production in the Asia-Pacific region also increased 0.4% in October, the ACC said, despite weakness in China.
