

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社12月4日伦敦报道,石油输出国组织(欧佩克)11月份原油产量下降到了过去6个月来的低点。 美国彭博新闻社日前对业内分析师、石油公司和船只跟踪数据进行的一次调查结果显示,欧佩克11月份原油日产量环比下降了8万桶至3247万桶。这个日产量是今年5月份平均日产3229万桶以来的最低水平。 调查结果显示,安哥拉领导了欧佩克11月份原油产量的下降,安哥拉11月份原油产量比10月份平均每天下降10万桶。 跟踪欧佩克成员国原油产量的国际能源署(IEA)上个月曾警告说,安哥拉油田停产维修作业将很可能影响这个非洲国家的原油产量。11月份的装载计划显示安哥拉的萨图尔诺和吉拉索尔等级原油出口量大幅减少。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: OPEC crude output drops to six-month low on Angola maintenance Crude production from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries dropped again in November to a six-month low. Total production fell 80,000 bpd to 32.47 MMbpd last month, according to a Bloomberg News survey of analysts, oil companies and ship-tracking data. That was the lowest level since May, when output was 32.29 million. Angola led the declines in November, with a drop of 100,000 bpd from October. The International Energy Agency — which tracks production from OPEC members — warned last month that field maintenance would probably affect production in the African nation. Loading programs for November show sharp dips in exports from the country’s Saturno and Girassol grades.
