

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站11月29日休斯敦报道,根据英国石油天然气协会(Oil & Gas UK)的一份年度报告,运营商在2017年至2025年期间在北海将完成关闭349个油气田。 根据该行业组织所说,在349个将被关闭的油气田中,有214个油气田将在北海英国一侧海域,有106个油气田将在北海荷兰一侧海域,有23个油气田将在北海挪威一侧海域以及有6个油气田将在北海丹麦一侧海域。 在上述四个地区中,英国石油天然气协会的研究结果预计将全部或部分拆除200多个平台,封堵和放弃近2500口油气井以及关闭近7800公里的管道。 英国石油天然气协会预计今后5年里英国海上油气田平均每年的关闭费用将在17亿至20亿英镑,挪威海上将在4亿至8亿英镑以及荷兰海上将在6.5亿至8亿英镑。 根据年度报告,估计在2017年至2025年期间用于关闭的170亿英镑中的46%将用于北海中部以及总数的49%将用于封堵和放弃油气井。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: UK dominates North Sea decommissioning Operators will perform decommissioning on 349 oil and gas fields in the North Sea during 2017-25, more than half of them in UK waters, according to an annual report by Oil & Gas UK.
Decommissioning will occur on 214 fields off the UK, 106 off the Netherlands, 23 off Norway, and 6 off Denmark, according to the industry group. For all four regions, the study projects complete or partial removal of more than 200 platforms, plugging and abandonment of nearly 2,500 wells, and decommissioning of nearly 7,800 km of pipeline. During the next 5 years, Oil & Gas UK expects decommissioning expenditures to average £1.7-2 billion/year off the UK and £400-800 million/year off Norway and to total £650-800 million off the Netherlands. Off the UK only, 46% of £17 billion estimated to be spent on decommissioning during 2017-25 will be in the central North Sea, and 49% of the total will be for plugging and abandoning wells, according to the report.
