

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月23日迪拜报道,由于巴格达寻求减少火炬燃烧以及完成支付其1990年入侵邻国所欠下的赔偿,伊拉克日前聘请了日本东洋工程公司来建造一条通往科威特和一个相关石化厂的天然气管道。 这个细节迄今没有对外披露的项目将允许科威特多元化其天然气进口。 这个项目也将给荷兰皇家壳牌公司造成打击,后者在退出伊拉克大型石油项目以后在与巴格达的关系恶化以前打算在伊拉克成为一个主要天然气参与者。 一名从事这个项目的资深业内消息人士说,由于伊拉克落后于其向世界银行承诺的所有目标,伊拉克需要迫切减少其天然气放空燃烧。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下; Iraq looks to Kuwait gas pipeline to pay off reparations Iraq has hired Japan’s Toyo Engineering to help build a gas pipeline to Kuwait and a related petrochemical plant as Baghdad looks to reduce flaring and finish paying reparations owed for its 1990 invasion of its neighbour. The project, details of which have not been reported before, would allow Kuwait to diversify its gas imports. It would also deal a blow to Royal Dutch Shell, which aimed to be the dominant gas player in Iraq before relations with Baghdad soured following Shell’s exit from large oil projects. “Iraq needs to urgently reduce gas flaring as it trails behind all targets it has promised the World Bank,” said a senior industry source working on the project.
