中国石化新闻网讯 据TradeArabia网站11月26日阿布扎比报道,阿布扎比国家石油公司Adnoc已启动位于其国内的哈卜善5号天然气加工厂,据称该厂日产能达1.2万吨天然气凝析液(NGL)。
哈卜善5厂是阿国油一体化天然气发展扩建项目的一部分,到2018年下半年,该厂天然气加工能力将进一步提升20%(4亿标准立方英尺/天)。 詹乐乾 摘译自TradeArabia 原文如下:
Adnoc launches $6.85bn gas processing plant Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc) has launched its Habshan 5 gas processing plant in the emirate, which boasts a daily production capacity of 12,000 tons of natural gas liquids (NGL).
The plant, which is linked, via a 215-km-long pipeline, to Adnoc’s offshore Umm Shaif gas field, has four gas processing trains and four sulphur recovery units. Its daily production capacity is 1.1 billion of sales gas; 5,200 tons of liquid sulphur and 3,000 barrels of condensate, said the report.
As part of Adnoc’s Integrated Gas Development expansion project, Habshan 5’s gas processing capacity will increase by 20 per cent, or 400 million scfd, in the second half of 2018.