

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站11月22日开罗报道,《埃及每日新闻报》22日援引政府消息来源报道说,埃及和塞浦路斯已同意在12月开始就建设一条把天然气从塞浦路斯气田输送到开罗的管道进行谈判。 埃及政府消息人士说,该协议包括在地中海海岸建设天然气管道,其中第一条管道将被用于在埃及杜姆亚特接收来自阿佛洛狄忒气田和塞浦路斯-1气田的塞浦路斯天然气。 第二条管道从埃及通过地中海延伸到塞浦路斯并从塞浦路斯延伸到希腊克里特岛以及再从克里特岛继续延伸到北欧。 消息人士说,埃及将液化来自阿佛洛狄忒气田的天然气用于向欧洲再出口,从液化天然气获得收入,在当地市场消费部分液化天然气以及多元化天然气来源。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Egypt, Cyprus to discuss building gas pipeline Egypt and Cyprus have agreed to begin talks on the construction of a pipeline to transport natural gas from Cypriot fields to Cairo next month, a media report said.
The agreement includes the construction of gas lines on the Mediterranean coast, the first of which will be dedicated to receive Cypriot gas from the Aphrodite and Cyprus 1 fields, in Damietta, Egypt, reported Daily News Egypt, citing government sources.
The second line extends from Egypt across the Mediterranean Sea, reaching Cyprus and from there, extending to Crete, Greece, and from there continuing to northern Europe.
Egypt is liquefying the gas from the Aphrodite field for re-export to Europe, receiving revenues from liquefied gas, and consuming part of it in the local market, diversifying gas resources, the sources said.
