中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社卡尔加里11月21日消息,贸易人士周一表示,壳牌旗下加拿大子公司壳牌加拿大公司已经警告客户11月份甚至12月份来自于公司位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省Scotford的25.5万桶/日的原油改质装置的合成原油供应量将减少。 此外两位贸易人士表示,Syncrude原油位于阿尔伯塔省北部的油砂项目也已经通知客户,11月份将把合成原油供应量削减约5%。 Syncrude拥有约35万桶/日的合成原油生产能力。 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Shell Canada, Syncrude cut synthetic crude volumes Shell Canada, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell, has warned customers synthetic crude volumes from its 255,000-bpd Scotford, Alberta, upgrader may be reduced in November and potentially December, trading sources said on Monday. In a separate incident, the Syncrude oil sands project in northern Alberta has also told customers it will cut synthetic crude volumes by around 5% in November, two trading sources said. Syncrude has capacity to produce nearly 350,000 bpd.