中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯11月16日伦敦报道,业内消息人士说,由于外界对苯乙烯和强劲需求的前景更加乐观,本周欧洲通用聚苯乙烯的
现货价格出现了较大幅度上涨。 欧洲通用聚苯乙烯的现货价格在周三被评估在1395欧元/吨(1642.5美元/吨)FD NWE,在本周内每吨上涨了20欧元。 在原料苯乙烯市场,苯乙烯合同价格和现货价格之间出现了偏离。11月份苯乙烯合同价格这个月下降了90欧元/吨至1160欧元/吨。 然而,苯乙烯的现货价格出现了上涨,从而导致12月份苯乙烯合同价格上扬的可能性。 苯乙烯现货价格周三被评估在1202美元/吨FOB ARA,在当天下跌了9.5美元,但比11月1日的价格上涨了62美元/吨。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: European polystyrene spot prices rise, tracking higher styrene The European general purpose polystyrene spot price increased this week on a more bullish outlook for styrene and firm demand, according to sources.
The GPPS spot price was assessed at Eur1,395/mt ($1,642.50/mt) FD NWE Wednesday, up Eur20 on the week.
In the feedstock styrene market, contract and spot prices diverged. The November styrene contract price fell Eur90 to Eur1,160/mt this month.
However, spot prices have increased, leading to the possibility of an increase in the December styrene contract price.
The styrene spot price was assessed at $1,202/mt FOB ARA Wednesday, down $9.50 on the day, but rising from $1,140/mt on November 1.