中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡11月10日消息,过去的几个月中,停泊在新加坡附近的油轮中存储的石油量已经大幅减少,这是即便美国石油出口量大幅增加的情况下欧佩克牵头的减产行动正在成功地令原油市场供应趋紧的最新迹象。
Thomson Reuters Eikon的航运数据显示,当前在停泊在新加坡和马来西亚以西海域的大约15艘超级油轮中存储的原油量约为3000万桶,而2017年年中的时候停泊的油轮数量达到40艘。
张春晓摘译自 路透社
Asian floating oil storage declines as crude market tightens The amount of oil stored on tankers around Singapore has dropped sharply in the last months, the latest indication that OPEC-led supply cuts are successfully tightening crude markets even as US exports have soared. Shipping data in Thomson Reuters Eikon shows around 15 super-tankers are currently filled with oil in waters off Singapore and western Malaysia, storing around 30 MMbbl of crude,from 40 tankers holding surplus fuel in mid-2017.