中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻休斯敦11月10日消息,雪佛龙菲利浦斯化学公司(CP Chem)周五正式开启了位于美国得克萨斯州Old Ocean工厂内的两套新建聚乙烯(PE)装置。安迅思代表出席了此次开工仪式。
这两套命名为40号PE装置和41号PE装置各自的产能均为50万吨/年。这两套装置是CP Chem投资60亿美元的美国墨西哥湾沿岸石化项目的一部分。该项目包括位于Old Ocean的两套新建PE装置和位于得州Cedar Bayou工厂内的一套新建乙烷裂解装置。
CP Chem董事长兼CEO Mark Lashier表示:“我们是在2011年宣布新建这些世界级规模的装置,2014年动工建设,今天我们正在庆祝这些装置成功地开启商业化生产。随着这些新建装置的投产,我们可以渗透到新的市场接触新的客户,扩大在全球的业务。”
张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻
CP Chem inaugurates new US PE plant in Old Ocean, Texas Chevron Phillips Chemical (CP Chem) inaugurated two new polyethylene (PE) units at its facility in Old Ocean, Texas on Friday. ICIS representatives were present at the inauguration ceremony. The two plants – PE units 40 and 41 – each have a capacity of 500,000 tonnes/year. They are part of CP Chem’s US Gulf Coast Petrochemical Project, a $6bn investment encompassing the two new PE plants in Old Ocean as well as a new ethane cracker at the company’s Cedar Bayou facility in Texas. “We announced plans to build these world-scale units in 2011, broke ground in 2014, and today, we are celebrating the successful start-up of commercial operations,” said Mark Lashier, president and CEO. “With these new assets in place, we can penetrate new markets to reach new customers, expand our global presenc.”