中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月8日消息,路透社援引匿名官员的话报导,壳牌公司将在2018年6月底前退出伊拉克马吉努大油田。 报导称,壳牌公司将把该油田的运营权转让给伊拉克国有的巴士拉石油公司。 路透社表示,马吉努油田于2014年开始投产,当前的石油产量约为23.5万桶/日。 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Royal Dutch Shell Set to Exit Majnoon Field in Iraq in 2018 -Report Royal Dutch Shell will exit the Majnoon oil field in Iraq by the end of June 2018, Reuters reports, citing unnamed officials. The Anglo-Dutch company will transfer its operation at the field to the state-run Basra Oil Company, the report said. Production started at Majnoon in 2014 and it currently produces about 235,000 barrels of oil a day, Reuters said.