

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月6日休斯敦报道,美国科斯莫斯能源公司6日表示,该公司预计将在明年年初而不是如其此前预计的今年年底恢复加纳数十亿美元的TEN深水油气项目的开发钻井。 今年9月份,国际海洋法法庭在加纳和其邻国科特迪瓦的海上边界争端中画了一条有利于加纳的海洋边界,这为恢复TEN项目开发钻井铺平了道路。 英国图洛石油公司、美国阿纳达科石油公司、加纳国家石油公司和南非国家石油公司在这个项目中也拥有股份。 科斯莫斯能源公司还估计其明年将需要停产两次大约4周时间来稳定其位于加纳朱比利油田浮式产油储油和卸油船的转塔。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Kosmos Expects To Resume Drilling On Ghana’s TEN Project In Early 2018 Kosmos Energy Ltd said it expects to resume development drilling on Ghana’s multi-billion dollar TEN deepwater oil and gas project in early 2018, rather than around the end of this year as it previously expected. In September, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea drew an ocean boundary favouring Ghana in a maritime border dispute with its neighbour Ivory Coast, opening the way for development drilling to resume on the TEN project. The decade-old row between the two West African neighbours has slowed the development of oilfields. Tullow Oil Plc, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation , Ghana National Petroleum Corporation and PetroSA also have stakes in the TEN project. Kosmos also estimated it would require two shutdowns in 2018, resulting in about four weeks of downtime, to stabilise the turret of the floating production, storage and offloading vessel at its Jubilee field in Ghana.
