中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社11月5日阿布扎比报道,知情人士周日向路透社透露,阿布扎比国家石油公司ADNOC计划于12月启动出售其加油站及便利店网络股份。
消息人士9月曾向路透社透露,该公司会将燃油零售业务超过10%的股份上市,之后还将继续推动1至2项业务上市,作为重大调整改组内容的一部分。 詹乐乾 摘译自路透社 原文如下:
UAE’s ADNOC to launch fuel retail business stake sale in December Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) plans to launch a share sale of a stake in its network of fuel service stations and retail convenience stores in December, sources told Reuters on Sunday.
The listing for ADNOC Distribution, which manages petrol stations and convenience stores across the United Arab Emirates (UAE), comes as Abu Dhabi and other Gulf states seek to privatize energy assets as revenues are squeezed by lower oil prices.
Sources told Reuters in September that the company could list more than 10 percent of its fuel retail business and one or two more businesses later as part of a major shake-up.