中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气加工》11月6日印尼沙马林达报道,美国大陆能源公司(即美国大陆资源公司)宣布,其麾下印尼子公司大陆Hilir印尼公司日前获得了印尼东加里曼丹省省长原则上的批准,在该省建造和经营首个炼油厂。 据悉,这个新炼油厂将建在东加里曼丹省的KIPI Maloy。 这个批准包括大陆能源公司的一个具有日加工6000桶原油能力简单炼油厂的第一阶段建设加上一个使用这个炼油厂生产的重油的具有10兆瓦发电能力的发电厂以及一个储存原油原料和精制石油产品的油库的计划。 李峻 编译自 油气加工 原文如下: Continental receives in-principal approval of first refinery SAMARINDA, KALIMANTAN TIMUR, Indonesia — Continental Energy Corporation announced that its Indonesian subsidiary PT Continental Hilir Indonesia (CHI) has received the in-principal approval of the Governor of the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan for the construction and operation of a crude oil refinery to be built at KIPI Maloy of East Kalimantan. The approval includes the Company’s plan for the Phase-1 construction of a simple refinery of 6,000 bpd of crude oil capacity; plus an associated 10 MW electrical power generation facility utilizing heavy fuel oil produced by the refinery, and a tank farm for crude oil feedstock and refined product storage.