中国石化新闻网讯 据EnergyMixReport网站11月6日消息,普氏能源资讯网站称,能源巨头BP、壳牌与挪威国家石油公司将联合开发基于区块链的能源交易数字平台。
包括贡沃尔集团、科赫供应与贸易集团、摩科瑞能源贸易集团等商行,以及荷兰银行、荷兰国际集团与法国兴业银行等金融企业所组成的投资集团,周一在一份联合声明中表示,目标是“改变实物能源大宗商品贸易的交易后管理并使其现代化”。 该平台将作为独立实体进行运营管理,预计将于2018年底投入运营。集团目标是创造基于区块链的安全、实时数字平台,以之管理从交易入场直至最终结算的实物能源交易。
该平台可减少管理运营风险,降低实物能源交易成本。投资集团表示,假以时日,该平台还将向区块链迁入所有能源交易数据类型。区块链是一种数字式分类账,最初设计用来记录通过比特币加密货币的交易。 詹乐乾 摘译自EnergyMixReport 原文如下:
BP, Shell, Statoil partner on blockchain-based energy trading platform Energy majors BP, Shell and Statoil are to co-develop a blockchain-based digital platform for energy trading, Platts reports.
The investor group, which includes trading houses Gunvor, Koch Supply & Trading, and Mercuria, plus banks ABN Amro, ING and Societe Generale, aims to “modernize and transform post-transaction management of physical energy commodities trading,” the companies said in a joint statement Monday.
The platform is to be managed and operated as an independent entity. It is expected to be operational by the end of 2018. The goal is to create a secure, real-time blockchain-based digital platform to manage physical energy transactions from trade entry to final settlement.
The platform should reduce administrative operational risks and costs of physical energy trading. Over time, the venture intends to lead the migration of all forms of energy transaction data to the blockchain, the companies said. Blockchain is a digital ledger initially designed to record transactions using the Bitcoin crypto-currency.