中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯11月3日消息,俄罗斯诺瓦泰克公司周五宣布,公司已经在俄罗斯Kharbeyskoye气田发现巨大的可商业开发的原油储藏。 诺瓦泰克公司初步估计该气田拥有2200亿立方米的天然气和逾4000万吨的原油。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Novatek Testing Reveals Oil and Gas at Kharbeyskoye Field Novatek (NVTK.LN) announced on Friday that it has discovered significant commercial crude oil reserves at its Kharbeyskoye field in Russia. The company has put out a preliminary estimate of 220 billion cubic meters of natural gas and more than 40 million tons of crude oil at the field.